About Us
The LKM-Hilaris Educational Institution which has been accredited A at the education office of the Republic of Indonesia and applies the Cambridge, Singapore and Chinese curriculum for Mandarin at the elementary, junior high, senior high school grades and adopts the Montessori method in playgroup and kindergarten, is a holistic education forum that emphasizes on 3 pillars, namely: Academic, Character and Skills.
The school started as a playgroup and courses, then continued to kindergarten, elementary, junior high and senior high school levels at the request of parents who were satisfied with the results of their children’s education. Courses are not only developed in English, but also in Mandarin, Calistung (Reading, writing, and arithmetic), Tutoring from elementary to high school and vocational levels.
This educational institution was created by a doctor of educational management, namely Dr. Debby Andriany, M.M. who since the age of 15 years has been in the field of education. Where her father was a lecturer who retired early and opened an educational institution for English courses. This institution continues to grow because of the leader who really loves education and continues to innovate and do a lot of education in the world such as Finland, Turkey, Singapore, Malaysia etc. So that they highly uphold the quality of education accompanied by infrastructure that is continuously developed

Kenapa harus pilih SMA Hilaris?
Hanya di SMA Hilaris!!
Kamu akan dapatkan program UPC (University Preparation & Collaboration): Sebuah Program Khusus untuk mendampingi & mengarahkan para siswa SMA Hilaris dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk pendidikan di jenjang Perkuliahan, antara lain:
- Pendampingan dalam pemilihan jurusan/ prodi yang tepat
- Jurusan/ prodi yang mempunyai prospek baik & luas dunia kerja
- Memfasilitasi sesi diskusi dengan Orang tua, Kepala Sekolah, Guru BK, Wali Kelas, Tim UPC dan siswa dalam persiapan pemilihan jurusan Kuliah diawal SMA agar tersolusikan dari semua pihak
- Update informasi seleksi PTN
- Drilling soal-soal seleksi PTN mulai dari kelas 11
- Didampingi saat pendaftaran online atau offline oleh Tim SMA Hilaris baik kampus dalam dan luar negeri
Selain progran UPC ada program unggulan lainnya berikut ini :
Grateful Program
Pertukaran Pelajar ke Luar Negeri (Student Exchange Program)
Pembelajaran Berbasis Teknologi (IT-Based Learning)
Kewirausahaan (Digital Youngpreneur)
Kepramukaan (Leadership & Life Skill)
Semua itu sudah termasuk program pembelajaran siswa SMA Hilaris tidak ada biaya tambahan/ GRATIS

Calling all the parents📢
Hilaris Primary Open Registration for
new student for Academic Year
✨ K13 Revision
👉🏻 Math
👉🏻 Mandarin
👉🏻 Futsal
👉🏻 Vocal
👉🏻 Taekwondo
and etc
3 Pillars (as the basic education)
-Skill set
Trilingual 🔊
(B. Indonesia, English for daily, Mandarin day on Thursday).
Your future is determined by what you start today.
education programs

We provide many school level such as Playgroup, Kindergarten, Primary School, Junior High School, and Senior High School.
In the implementation of learning in our schools, we use 3 curricula, there is Kurikulum 2013 Revisi, Singapore Curriculum and Cambridge Assessment English.
During the covid-19 pandemic we apply home learning through e-learning.
We provide after school programs that can be useful to improve student achievement and fill spare time with useful activities.
sekolah pancasila-pelajar pancasila lkm-hilaris

why choose us?
LKM-Hilaris has succeeded in graduating thousands of outstanding students by providing the best education and supported by 3 main pillars, there are :
- Academic
- Character
- Skill

Little Koala Montessori Playgroup is an educational institution provided for children aged 1 1/2 – 4 years. We use 3 curriculum including the Dinas Curriculum, Montessori Curriculum (EPL (Exercise of Practical Life), Cultural Sensorial, Language & Math), and Beijing for Mandarin. As well as implementing trilingual there is Bahasa Indonesia, English (Daily), and Mandarin. Little koala Motessori Playgroup has Goals Confident, Eager to make Friends, Independent, etc. To achieve this goal, we maximized by placing 1 class consisting of 15 students and 3 teachers.
Little Koala Montessori Kindergarten is an educational institution provided for children aged 3 1/2 – 6 years. We use 3 curriculum including the Dinas Curriculum, Montessori Curriculum (EPL (Exercise of Practical Life), Cultural Sensorial, Language & Math), and Beijing for Mandarin. As well as implementing trilingual there is Bahasa Indonesia, English (Daily), and Mandarin. Little koala Motessori Kindergarten has Goals Fun Learning by Playing, Good Character, etc. To achieve this goal, we maximized by placing 1 class consisting of 24 students and 3 teachers for KG A, 15 Students and 2 Teachers for KG B.
Primary School
Hilaris Primary School is a dynamic bilingual school who offering an Integrated Curriculum, Dinas Curriculum (K13-Curriculum 2013) and Singapore Curriculum for Math & Science. We use English and Indonesian for daily language, with additional Mandarin lessons to enrich our students in the new challenges of the globalization era.
Junior High School
Hilaris Junior High School is a technology-based junior high school so that students can adapt and be proficient in using technology that is developing very quickly. Hilaris Middle School adopts 3 curricula, namely the Indonesian K13 Curriculum, the Cambridge and Singapore Curriculum. There are 3 goals that are targeted by Hilaris Junior High School for students, namely Academic, Character and Skill and we provide character strengthening programs through Scouting and Hilaris Business Class activities.
Senior High School
Hilaris Senior High School is established to support recent’s Indonesia’s education needs. As an English IT-based school, we offer three integrated curricula, involving two international curricula (Singaporean and Cambridge Curricula) and Indonesian Curriculum, and we committed to achieve an excellent curricula and programs output quality.